According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), dozens of workers die, and thousands become ill while working in extreme heat or humid conditions in the United States, with workers in each industry becoming more vulnerable.
* Under OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards. This includes protecting workers from extreme heat. An employer with workers exposed to high temperatures should establish a complete heat illness prevention program.
§ Provide workers with water, rest and shade.
§ Allow new or returning workers to gradually increase workloads and take more frequent breaks as they acclimatize or build a tolerance for working in the heat.
§ Plan for emergencies and train workers on prevention.
§ Monitor workers for signs of illness.
OSHA's Occupational Exposure to Heat page explains what employers can do to keep workers safe and what workers need to know - including factors for heat illness, adapting to working in outdoor and indoor heat, protecting workers, recognizing symptoms, and first aid training.
NOW is the time to develop your Heat Illness Prevention Program or review your existing program to be confident that it is current and marked with the appropriate calendar year. Documented educational sessions for those impacted employees should be under way by April. Reacquaint employees with the plan by holding follow-up sessions in July or August.
Which hotel/resort and golf employees are most vulnerable? To focus on a few ~
Valet parkers
Door personnel
Shuttle drivers
Bell personnel
Outdoor cleaners
Golf club employees
Beverage cart attendants
Life guards
Security Officers
Outdoor Concessions
Remember ~ Employees don’t have to work outdoors to be impacted by high heat!
About the author:
Sal Caccavale is the face of Global Hospitality Security Solutions, LLC, providing safety and security solutions to hotels, law firms, insurance companies and brokers. Following nearly 35 years with Hilton and oversight for their branded hotels in the Americas, Sal offers his knowledge and experience as an independent solutions expert. Sal has also served as vice-chair and chair of the American Hotel & Lodging Association’s (AH&LA) Safety & Security Committee.
Tel: + 480 272 4922
*Reference: OSHA.Gov